6 Steps for Treating Sweaty Hands

Sweaty Hands


Step 1: Treat Hand Sweat with Iontophoresis

Step 2: Fight perspiration with homeopathy

Step 3: Use aromatherapy

Step 4: Consider natural solutions to treat hand perspiration

Step 5: Practice complementary therapies

Step 6: Try color therapy

Hand sweating can be highly disabling for sufferers. It leads to social exclusion and complicates personal and professional relationships. Here are some solutions for treating hand perspiration.

1. Treat hand perspiration with iontophoresis

Iontophoresis treatment is an excellent way to treat hand sweating, especially when it is particularly severe. The method gives up to 85% positive results if used correctly.

To benefit from sessions:

  • Go to a physical therapist equipped with the device (a doctor can write you a prescription so that your health insurance covers your sessions).
  • Buy your own device (up to $1000).
  • Follow the treatment protocol if you decide to get your own device.
  • Remember to remove all jewelry and not to take your hands out of the two tubs of water in which they are immersed during the 20-minute session (two 10-minute sessions).

2. Fight perspiration with homeopathy

In addition to iontophoresis, people who suffer from excessive hand sweating can use homeopathy. In both cases, take 5 granules three times a day:

To treat excessive sweating, specifically of the hands, take Sticta pulmonaria in 5 CH.

If the sweating remains relative, and the hands are mostly clammy, take Jaborandi in 5 CH.

Note: If these remedies are insufficient, consult a homeopath to consider different factors.

3. Use aromatherapy

Essential oils are interesting to use in the fight against hand sweating. It is possible to use different formulas that are also useful for treating other areas of the body.


3 drops of Palmarosa or Noble Laurel essential oil;

1 drop of Clary Sage essential oil;

a little vegetable oil of jojoba.

To avoid having sweaty hands, sprinkle them with a mixture containing:

3 drops of Mint essential oil;

20 g of boric acid;

20 g of talcum powder.

4. Think of natural solutions to treat hand perspiration

Sweaty Hands

There are easy-to-use solutions to excessive hand perspiration:

Brew 5 black tea bags in a liter of water. Once the water has cooled, immerse your hands in this preparation for half an hour. Do this daily.

Following the same principle but more straightforward to use: take black tea bags that are still wet and hold them in your hands for 30 minutes.

Make decoctions of walnut leaves (2.5 g of walnut leaves infused for 15 minutes in 10 cl of water) and apply compresses soaked in the preparation directly on the hands.

Pass on your palms (if they are not damaged) with the choice:

alum stone;

lemon pulp;

or camphor with a cotton ball.

At night, hold it in place with a gauze strip:

aluminum chloride powder;

or green clay powder.

5. Use complementary therapies

If the excessive sweating of the hands or their more or less constant wetness has a psychological origin (excess stress in particular), complementary therapies can sometimes be of great help.

Among the most interesting in this perspective, resort to:

behavioral therapies;

Ericksonian hypnosis;

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Note: in certain more specific cases, osteopathy can also relieve a certain number of patients, on the one hand, by reducing their stress, and on the other hand, if it is judicious, by releasing the nerves responsible for excessive sweating.

6. Test color therapy

Several hands (and foot) perspiration problems can be relieved with color therapy.

Treat your hands with a green light for four minutes, followed by 50 seconds of red light to counteract excess moisture energy.

Materials to treat hand perspiration

Boric acid (Borax)

Gauze strip


Homeopathic tablets

Essential oils



Natural alum stone


Black tea

Colored transparencies

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