Constant Urge To Pee but Little Comes Out: What Does That Mean?

Constant Urge To Pee but Little Comes Out: What Does That Mean?

Are you familiar with this scenario: That moment when you desperately want to pee and then after you pee, you still have to pee but you can’t because nothing more is coming out. 

If yes, let’s find out what’s causing this urinary problem.


MedicationsMedicines are chemicals that enter our blood and are circulated through the body. Unfortunately, they do not possess a “brain” to know where to go and are thus carried passively through the body. Hence, as they change the normal physiology of the body and help in curing it, they end up affecting the healthy cells and causing side effects. Ibuprofen, for example, is a drug known for relieving pain from several conditions like headaches, menstrual cramps and dental pains, but after a long and regular use of this anti-inflammatory drug, one can get a stomach ulcer.

Similarly, the long and regular use of some medications like sedatives, high blood pressure medications and antidepressants can cause urinary problems.

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexually Transmitted InfectionsIt is important to note that frequent and intense sexual intercourse has often been linked with urinary problems in women. And, the culprit is none other than bacteria. While having sex, the bacteria from anus and nether regions will eventually come into contact with the urethra. Once the bacteria have completely evaded the urethra, the bladder as well as the kidneys, an infection is caused, thus creating a frequent urge to pee.


PregnancyEven if studies cannot speak for all women who’ve carried or who are carrying a baby, extensive research has shown that this sensation is very common among pregnant women.

In a pregnancy, hormonal changes in the mother create the urge to urinate more frequently. Other reasons for an intense urge to pee during pregnancy include a growing uterus pressure on the bladder, an increase in blood by 50 % and blood circulation which cause kidneys to produce 25 % more urine or an increase in body fluid. However, during pregnancy, a woman’s body is said to retain more fluid, which can thus interfere with the urge to urinate.


AnxietyWhen you are suffering from anxiety, your brain will always use some kind of default mechanism to help you deal with it. Urination is one of them. This means that when you are faced with anxiety and when your brain enters the “what should I do” mode condition, you’ll think of using the toilet. The more you use and rely on this default mechanism, the higher the chances of it becoming an addictive pattern. You may not need to go to the toilet, but anxiety can create an intense urge to pee in you.

Nerve Damage

Nerve DamageConstant Urge To Pee but Little Comes Out: What Does That Mean?Peripheral nerves are very fragile and can easily be damaged. When you are injured or when you had surgery, the brain’s ability to communicate with your muscles and organs is affected and therefore, the nerves receive no signal from the brain. This is called peripheral neuropathy, also known as nerve damage.

When an injury or illness affects the muscles and the nerves of your urinary system, including your urethra and bladder, the nerve damage affects the messages that are usually carried back and forth between the bladder, the spinal cord and the brain.

DiabetesDiabetesMillions of people in America have diabetes but don’t know it –even when they are suffering from symptoms like excessive thirst and increased urination.

The hallmark of diabetes, also known as the three “Ps”, is Polyphagia, Polydipsia and Polyuria – always hungrythirsty and urinates a lot.

When there’s too much sugar in your blood, which happens when you are diagnosed with diabetes, not all the sugar can be reabsorbed and some of the excess glucose from the blood ends up in the urine. So, when your kidneys have to work harder to get rid of it, they are forced to make more urine.







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