What Is the Role of a Physiotherapist

By acting on the energetic flows present in the body, flows that condition the balance of the spirit and the psyche, physiotherapy is a gentle and effective method to treat all kinds of ailments. It intervenes as well on the physical disorders, as on those with a psychic or emotional origin.

The physiologist’s intervention has a long-term objective since it aims to accompany people to become autonomous and capable of managing their imbalances and their stress.

Physiotherapy appeared in the United States during the 20th century. Today, many professionals practice it, mostly osteopaths, naturopaths, or alternative medicine practitioners. 

Let’s take a look at the profession of a physiotherapist.

Attention: Do not confuse massage by a physiotherapist to the type of massage in a beauty salon.

Typically, massage has immense virtues on the well-being of the body and mind. Here are the most common: Ayurveda massage, Thai massage, lymphatic drainage…

However, in these areas, we should instead use the term modelling, massage itself being reserved exclusively for the physiotherapist.

That said, to avoid problems, it is often advisable to have these different massages done by a physiotherapist, even if there are more and more massage practitioners in beauty salons.

What is physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy (another word for Kinesitheraphy in French) is also known as masso-kinesthesia, is a treatment technique that uses massage and precise manipulations that a certified masseur-kinesthetist must perform.

Physiotherapy is used in all forms of rehabilitation.

Note: The cost of your sessions can be reimbursed if you have a medical prescription.

Physiotherapy: benefits

You can consult a physiotherapist for:

 – Lymphatic drainage;

 – muscular reinforcement with musculotendinous stretching (especially in the sports world);

 – the most common massages;

 – slimming treatments: physiotherapy in specialised slimming centres and spas…

Main indications of physiotherapy

As seen above, physiotherapy is mainly used in rehabilitation, even if it is not its primary function. It will thus be prescribed in the cases of:

 – respiratory rehabilitation;

 – orthopaedic rehabilitation;

 – postural rehabilitation;

 – cardiovascular rehabilitation;

 – post-traumatic rehabilitation (including, for example, the locomotor system after a traffic accident);

 – motor and sensory rehabilitation;

 – for pregnant women: prenatal rehabilitation;

 – after childbirth: perineal rehabilitation…

The fundamentals of  physiotherapy

 As the name implies, the physiotherapist masseur uses massage for therapeutic purposes. Manual intervention is used to solicit muscles, subcutaneous tissues, and tendons for treatment. The physiotherapist, unlike other practitioners, employs a variety of techniques to maximise the benefits of touch.

 Among those that are currently in use are:

 – Infrared radiation.

 – Laser beams.

 – Electric current.

 – Heat.

 – Cold.

 These methods can help relax the patient’s nerves, energy supply, and blood flow. Following relaxation, the massage will work more deeply, increasing the benefits.

What does a physiotherapist do?

 A physiotherapist’s duties do not end with massage therapies. You may, for example, hire this specialist masseur for Psycho-motor recovery for people with neurological disabilities, Neuro-vestibular rehabilitation, Electrotherapy, and a variety of other therapies. It is also not unusual to come across physiotherapists who are also osteopaths.

All in all

A physiotherapist is a licensed massage therapist who specialises in recovery. Unlike a specialist masseur, a physiotherapist’s intervention area focuses on treating people with paralysis and neurological disorders. A simple massage therapist or self-massage practice can not be appropriate in these situations.

What exactly is a physiotherapist?

A physiotherapist is a professional who has earned a degree in this area. His or her work entails using massage for therapeutic purposes, particularly in treating people with motor issues.

He will use various methods to repair a structure that has been altered thanks to his extensive knowledge of anatomy.

For example, nothing compares to the treatment given by a physiotherapist when it comes to resuming the use of a limb after reconstructive surgery.

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