What is a sexual dysfunction in men and women?


Doctors refer to sex-related issues as “sexual dysfunction.” Both men and women are affected. As men and women become older, sexual problems become increasingly widespread. It can be caused by a variety of reasons in younger people. Sexual dysfunction can be caused by stress, sickness, medications, or emotional issues. If it lasts more than a few months, consult your doctor. If it affects your connection with your partner, tell your doctor. Everything you say to your doctor is confidential. Your doctor will be able to determine the issue. He or she is capable of dealing with it.

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 Symptoms of male and female sexual dysfunction

 It’s not uncommon for couples to experience sex issues at some point throughout their relationship.

Women have five types of sexual problems:

Disorders of desire I’m no longer interested in sex. You don’t have as much desire as you used to.

 Arousal disorders are a kind of anxiety illness. A sexual reaction is not felt in your body. You can’t stay sexually stimulated for very long.

 Orgasmic disorders are a kind of sexual dysfunction. You are unable to orgasm, or you are experiencing discomfort during orgasm.

 Disorders of sexual pain. When you’re in agony before, during, or after intercourse.

 Hormone insufficiency: Estrogen (the principal female hormone) deficiency can impact sexual desire.

Men have four types of sexual problems:

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to obtain or maintain an erection.

 Ejaculation issues include premature (too early) or delayed ejaculation (taking longer than normal or not at all). Disorders of desire I’m no longer interested in sex. You’re not as interested as you used to be.

 Low testosterone: Low amounts of testosterone, a male hormone.

 What causes male and female sexual dysfunction?

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 Many factors might wreak havoc on your sex life. Medications (oral birth control and chemotherapy), disorders (diabetes or hypertension), excessive alcohol use, and vaginal and urinary infections are all examples. Depression, interpersonal issues, and abuse are other factors (current or past).

Hormones have a role in both male and women’s sexual dysfunction. Sexual desire is reduced when male and female hormones are low. As men and women become older, their hormone levels drop. Hormones in women can vary throughout pregnancy, after childbirth, and while nursing. Many women experience a decrease in sexual desire after menopause. Menopause also generates vaginal dryness, which can cause sex discomfort.

 The strains of everyday life can create sexual dysfunction at any age. Your sexual drive may be affected if you are fatigued from stressful work or caring for small children. A long-standing sexual ritual may also tire you.

How are men and women diagnosed with sexual dysfunction?

 Having an open and honest conversation with your doctor might help you arrive at a diagnosis. Your doctor will be able to diagnose conditions based on your explanation of the issue, your age, and your life circumstances. He or she may also do a physical examination and conduct laboratory testing.

 Is it possible to prevent or avoid sexual dysfunction in men and women?

It is impossible to stop the ageing process. However, both men and women may take steps to lessen the impact of sexual dysfunction. This involves gaining a better understanding of your body and how it functions.


Talk with your doctor about the possible adverse effects of the medications you’re taking. Discuss surgeries and medical problems with him or her. Treatment of underlying health problems, such as diabetes may be beneficial.

 If you’re sad, worried, or having relationship problems, go to a counsellor or mental health expert.

 Reduce your alcohol consumption, consume a balanced diet, and exercise regularly.

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 Discuss what you enjoy and don’t like in your sexual connection with your spouse.

 Exercising “sensate attention” is a good idea. This is when one person massages the other while the other partner expresses how they feel and demands adjustments (for example, “lighter,” “faster,” and so on). It’s possible that fantasizing will boost your desire.

 Kegel exercises (squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the vaginal canal) may raise arousal in women.

Massage, oral sex, or masturbation are sexual activities other than intercourse.

 Do not overuse painkillers or utilize recreational drugs.

 You might not have to live with your sexual dysfunction, depending on the cause. Discuss possible reasons and remedies with your doctor. Discuss rethinking your sex life with your spouse. If necessary, consult a sex therapist or counsellor. Let us know in the comments how do you deal with sexual dysfunction… 

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