6 Signs That Suggest You Need TO Visit A Physiotherapist


Who hasn’t experienced overwhelming, sharp, intermittent, or even persistent pain at least once in their life? You may want to ignore the pain because you think you can tolerate it, that it will go away or that there is nothing you can do about it. However, physiotherapy could be of great help! The symptoms you are experiencing (pain, stiffness, dizziness, etc.) do not appear without reason.

They can be the result of an old or recent injury related to an accident, a sport, a repeated movement, bad postures, etc. Whatever the cause, if your symptoms persist, they deserve special attention. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn more about the world of physiotherapy.

1. Persistent pain


You have suffered a sprain, a fracture, or a wrong movement, and despite your efforts to heal yourself, your pain does not subside? A physiotherapist will find solutions to alleviate your pain and prevent it from recurring. Even if your injury is not recent, it is possible that it has not completely healed and that certain activities may rekindle the pain. The advice, exercises, and treatments provided by the physiotherapist will help to resolve the problem in the long term.

Why tolerate pain when you can effectively relieve it? If the pain is interfering with your sleep, it’s time to seek help. Be aware that insomnia can lead to other health problems such as depression and weight gain. A physiotherapist will be able to relax your muscles and help you get back to good sleep habits. Visit our Longueuil physiotherapy services page to learn more.

2. Mobility problems

Poor posture, repetitive movements, and lack of flexibility can create joint stiffness, limiting mobility. For example, if your neck is stiff with rotational movements, this can interfere with making your blind spots. A physiotherapist will use mobilization and muscle release techniques to increase joint range of motion and flexibility, allowing you to regain mobility.

3. Rehabilitation following a surgery, a car accident, a work accident, etc


A serious injury can cause compensations and other impacts on your body without you even being aware of it. Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy to optimize your rehabilitation. Physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy are particularly relevant after surgery, a cast, or a car or work accident, for example.

4. Posture: Tips and exercises for your work or sports

Do you need advice regarding your posture, work ergonomics, or sports movements? Physiotherapists are equipped to help you! If you are experiencing chronic weakness in your back that is interfering with your training or work, for example, you will receive exercises and advice tailored to your condition and activities. Your questions will be carefully addressed to meet your specific needs. We have consulting physiotherapists in many fields, such as running, judo, baseball, return to work, etc.

5. Dizziness and balance


Do you ever feel dizzy? Is turning in bed or getting up from a chair difficult? Even walking up or down stairs can be a constant danger if your balance is affected. This type of problem is often associated with the inner ear that is responsible for maintaining balance. Just a few sessions can put an end to your vertigo for good! The physiotherapist will be able to identify the cause of your problem and treat you with vestibular rehabilitation.

6Numbness and tingling

Are you experiencing tingling or numbness? It is quite possible that these sensations are related to nerve disorders. The physiotherapist will thoroughly examine the cause, which can be anything from whiplash to herniated discs and sciatica to carpal tunnel.

All of these signs may be precursors to more serious musculoskeletal problems. If you are experiencing these symptoms, consult a physiotherapist to receive health advice and care adapted to your condition. Physiotherapy is often the first therapeutic option to consider before thinking about surgery.

Looking for help?


Are you in Wyndham Vale? Are you looking for a new health care practitioner? Or are you looking for a podiatrist or dietitian? Then no further than Wyndhamvale Heath Care. They got you covered and are here for all your medical needs. They are in the heart of Wyndham Vale and are lost to the shopping precincts and recreational reserves.

So, what are you waiting for? For all your health needs, contact them and book your next appointment now. Your mental and physical well-being isn’t something that you should put on the back burner and is something that you ought to take care of, which is why you ought to trust the experts at Wyndhamvale Heath Care.

2 thoughts on “6 Signs That Suggest You Need TO Visit A Physiotherapist”

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