Eating Raw Eggs: Healthy Or Not?

Crack a few eggs and pour them into a glass, and drink. Many of you may have first seen actor Sylvester Stallone do this in the movie Rocky Balboa, and bodybuilders in the 70’s and 80’s. However, many people have doubts about this.” It’s very unhealthy to eat raw eggs,” or “Can raw eggs infect me with salmonella?” We often hear people say that. In this blog, we will find out if eating raw eggs is really a bad thing or not.

Why Do People Eat Raw Eggs?

First of all, many people eat raw eggs without realizing or even thinking about it. Think of homemade chocolate mousse, tiramisu, or mayonnaise. Raw eggs have been consumed for centuries simply because they make food taste better. We often don’t consciously choose them, but simply eat them without knowing.

And, of course, some groups consciously choose to eat more than one raw egg. Think of bodybuilders and strength athletes. These are the people who do this to get extra protein. Sometimes this is done by adding a raw egg to the smoothie, but sometimes it is done by putting two or three eggs in a glass and drinking it.

Benefits of Consuming Raw Eggs


Eating raw eggs doesn’t sound so bad if you ask what’s in them. They are full of healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. One large raw egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat (more than half of which is unsaturated), and vitamins A and B.

Raw eggs are also rich in choline, an essential substance for the proper functioning of our bodies. For example, it plays a vital role in the brain’s functioning.

Helps To Get Extra Protein

It only takes a few seconds to eat a raw egg because you just have to drink it up. It is also very easy to add them to a smoothie in a blender. This way, you can get all the extra protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals.

No Loss of Vitamins and Minerals

When eggs are cooked for a long time, there is a high possibility that some of the nutrients will be lost. Since raw eggs are uncooked, all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants remain entirely in the egg.

Disadvantages of Eating Raw Eggs

Digestive Issues

If you are eating or drinking raw eggs to increase your protein, this part is very important. Our digestive system seems to be very poor at digesting raw eggs well. A 1998 study concluded that the digestibility of raw eggs is about 50%, meaning that only half of the protein can be absorbed. It should be noted that this was a single study and only five people were examined. Therefore, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions from this.

Possibility of Poor Absorption of Vitamin B8

Eating raw eggs can make it harder for the body to absorb vitamin B8 (biotin). Raw eggs are rich in avidin. This substance binds to biotin in the body, making it difficult to absorb biotin. If you consume a lot of raw eggs, you may be deficient in biotin. However, the probability of this happening is very low. You need to consume raw eggs properly every day for this to happen.

Raw Eggs and Salmonella

Salmonella is still occurring, but not in extremely high numbers. For example, about 3 out of every 10,000 eggs are contaminated with salmonella, meaning there is indeed a chance of contracting salmonella. The safest thing to do is cook the eggs thoroughly, for example, by boiling them. If the eggs are sufficiently cooked. However, given the low incidence of salmonella, this is rarely likely to happen.

Baking, Eggs, Raw Eggs, Yolks

So, Is It Healthy or Unhealthy To Eat Raw Eggs?

Raw eggs and boiled eggs basically provide the same health benefits, so you can either consume them raw or cooked. The biggest risk of eating raw eggs is the possibility of contracting salmonella. People who belong to a group that may be seriously affected by salmonella should avoid eating raw eggs. This group includes young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and others at risk for salmonella infection.

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