Eating Rice Makes You Fat: True or False?

Rice is considered as the most consumed cereal on the planet. Thanks to this food, thousands of people can feed themselves properly. This cereal is the fundamental basis of the daily diet in many Asian and South American countries. In addition, rice is also part of the world’s diet at various levels.

However, myths always arise around this energetic grain when considering a diet. The question “Does rice make you fat?” is the first one that comes up the most. Read on to find out the answer.

Does Rice Make You Fat?

Asians have a very slim figure, enjoy enviable health, look younger than their age, and above all, they enjoy great longevity! All of this is a product of their lifestyle and eating habits. In the West, there is a widespread myth that rice is fattening; however, in Southeast Asia, it is a staple in the daily diet.

Perhaps the myth of rice as an anti-diet food comes from the fact that this popular grain is a carbohydrate-rich food, a powerful source of energy. Of course, if you consume more calories than you need, they are stored in the body, and you gain weight. However, carbohydrates (also found in vegetables, fruits, and legumes) are essential in the diet.

In addition to many carbohydrates, rice contains protein and other essential nutrients for the body. Of course, this also depends on the variety of rice.

In the countries mentioned above, the percentage of obesity in the population is less than 10%. Hence the importance of rice as a food source.

How Many Calories Does Rice Contain?

In practical terms, rice does not make you fat unless you eat more than your body can handle. For many people, the following information is vital if they consume a limited number of calories daily.

  • Calories in cooked rice: 130 calories per 100 grams.
  • Calories from brown rice: 111 calories per 100 grams (cooked).
  • Calories of basmati rice: 120 calories per 100 grams (cooked).
  • Calories of Yamaní rice: 350 calories per 100 grams (cooked).

Riz Frit, Aliments, Asiatique, Assiette, Cuisine, Repas

Is Rice Fattier Than Pasta?

Rice and pasta have a reputation for being fattening, so most people avoid these foods when starting a diet. Rice is not fattening, but is it more fattening than pasta?

A simple observation could provide the answer by comparing the nutritional statistics of the two products:

– Both have the same caloric value. Rice contains 130 calories per 100 g and pasta 131 per 100 g (both cooked).

– Neither pasta nor rice contains any fat. For this reason, none of these foods is overweight on its own; it all depends on how you prepare it when you eat it and the portion size.

– Pasta (5 g of fiber per 100 g) contains more fiber than white rice (1.40 g per 100 g) and even brown rice (2.2 g per 100 g). More fiber means better intestinal transit, better digestion, and more prolonged satiety.

Lower-Calorie Combinations With Rice

Because rice (especially brown rice) does not make you fat, know how to choose the foods that accompany it if you want it to be your ally when it comes to losing weight. It is best to combine rice with healthy, fat-burning products (legumes, lean cheeses, fish, lean meats, quinoa, amaranth, among others). Sweets and fatty meats should be avoided.

Paella, Sauté, Poêle, Safran, Espagne, Repas, Savoureux

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