The 7 Chakra Principles


  • Yoga and chakra: a holistic approach to the person
  • 88,000 chakras in the body: energy centers
  • The 7 chakra principles: location and role

The history of yoga goes back five millennia. This physical practice born in India is based on several principles:

  • the yoga sutra,
  • the chakra (this post),
  • meditation (meditation and yoga),
  • relaxation (relaxation and yoga),
  • breathing (breathing and yoga).

Yoga and chakra: a holistic approach to the person

Yoga is based on physical exercises but allows global well-being.

  • Yoga circulates the body’s energy and rebalances the chakras.
  • The mind-body aspect is taken into account: it is the holistic approach.
  • Indeed, treating a physical problem is not enough if we do not know how to define the cause:
  • It is necessary to determine the why before considering the how,
  • For example, a headache can be purely organic (hormonal, hepatic, cervical, or other) or be related to fear (the patient somatizes at the idea of going back to work every Monday morning, for example).

With the holistic approach, we consider that the person is made up of a body and a set of energy currents that interact with each other.

88,000 chakras in the body: energy centers

According to certain ancestral oriental texts, our body would be crossed by 88,000 chakras, corresponding to the location of the ganglia nerve and endocrine glands.

Energy exchanges and chakras

Chakras are also called energy centers. They represent specific places in our body through which energy exchanges take place:

  • inside our body,
  • between the physical body and the astral body,
  • and between inside and outside.

Chakra: round and swirling shape

In Sanskrit, the chakra refers to a wheel or a disc:

    • it constitutes a center of reception, assimilation, and transmission of vital energy, both in the body and our surrounding environment.
    • it is mobile and looks like a whirlwind that turns on itself, more or less quickly.

A drop in energy in a chakra corresponds to a slowing down of the chakra:

    • if we do not restore its mobility, there can then be physical discomfort,
    • conversely, physical pain can lead to an energetic slowdown in the chakra concerned.

Note: the chakras influence the area of the body in which they are located and the emotional and psychic parts.

The 7 chakra principles: location and role

Most of the chakras are secondary, but 7 of them are more important in volume. They are positioned on a straight vertical line in the center of our body, along the spine.

The primordial energy, called Kundalini, will circulate from the 1st chakra to the 7th, from the spine’s base to the top of the skull.

Here are the 7 chakras:


1st chakra: The ROOT Chakra

    • Located at the base of the spine, it refers to everything that touches the spine.
    • Its location close to the sexual organs also affects the genitals, bladder problems, and life force.
    • It helps the person stabilize and put down roots.

2nd chakra: The SACRED Chakra

    • Also related to genitals and legs.
    • It can also have an impact on the belly (physical bellyache or fear, emotional aspect).

3rd chakra: The SOLAR PLEXUS Chakra

    • It is linked to the physical organs found at this level: pancreas, liver, stomach.
    • Emotionally, the solar plexus refers to power, control, and also to fear.

4th chakra: The HEART Chakra

    • It is linked to the thymus, heart, and lungs from a physical point of view.
    • Emotionally, it is connected to love.

5th chakra: The THROAT Chakra

    • It is linked to throat, thyroid, and vocal cord problems.
    • It also “governs” the arms, the hands.
    • Emotionally, it controls “self-expression.”
    • When we have difficulty being heard or understood, when we have difficulty expressing ourselves, there is probably a blockage in this chakra.

6th chakra: The THIRD EYE Chakra 

    • It is linked to the pituitary gland, eyebrows, intellect, and third eyesight (intuition, dreams, sometimes premonitions).

7th chakra: The CROWN Chakra 

It is linked to the pineal gland, skull, and spiritual awareness.

Note: we find the use of this energy in the practice of kundalini yoga.

You can read more here:

3 thoughts on “The 7 Chakra Principles”

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